aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... (belum ngepost udah speechless)
hehehe kangen ga sih? KANGEEEEN! kangen ngeblogging..dan kangen smua mua nyaaa ^^ hampir berapa abad yaa gda ga ngeblog >.< (Sampe malu stiap d tanya kapan ngeblog lagi, jawabnya cuman bisa "secepetnya" tapi kenyataannya "se-lama-nya" heuhue..peace (^_^)v
pokokknyaa.. Alhamdulillaaah gda udah melahirkan 2 bulan yang laluuu.. ^^
tepatnya tanggal 30 oktober 2010..
seminggu setelah wisuda..xixixi..
daaann langsung aja lah gda bercerita lewat gambar :D
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010
Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010
warna warni euyyy! :D
hehee ini gda pake full colour giniii.. :p
kadang seneng yg soft, tp kadang hasrat berwarna warninya muncul jugaaa :D
btw.. krn hasil usg beda beda (pas 6 bln cowo, pas 7 bln cewe) gda jadi super pasraaaah.. :D tp hasil usg terakhir siii babygiiiirrrrl ! :D
kadang ga tau kenapaa..perasaan gda yg di dalem perut ini adalah babyboy..
tapi kadang kalo liat kebiasaan gda sehari-hari(suka ngejait, bikin-bikin kerajinan tangan, rajiiin ke salon :p :p ) dan kesukaan warna serba pinkyyy..jd jangan2 baby girl.. tapii yaa gitu lah, hikmahnya kita ga bisa "mendahului" Alloh.. secanggih apapun teknologi.. hehe buktinya ajaa wkt 6 bulan udah yakin2 pas usg cowo, ehhh bisa berubah lagii.. well, let's see nanti pas lahir apa yaaa ^^ tp mau cewe cowo gda tetep sayaaaaang :* hihi.. palingan pas belanja baju2 kemarin jd cuman bisa nelen ludah liat baju2 babygirl yg super lucu dan menggemaskan..jdnya beli yg netral2 dulu ajaaa.. :D sabarrr sabaaaar.. :D (Wlpn pernah saking ga kuatnya, beli jumper + celemek bunga2 pinkyy) hehehe..
wiii jadi ingeet, tas lukis inii beli pas jaman sma kelas 1..masi lumayaan baguuuss.. bahannya kanvas gituu..menurut gda sangat eye catching krn warnanya warna warni ceriaaa.. dan sepatu ini seserahan dari kang apin sebelum nikah lhoo :D:D jd inget persiapan super kilat sebelum nikah dulu deeh..ehhh Alhamdulillaah skrg udah berbuah dan lg menunggu detik detik kelahiran :D
btw Alhamdulillaaah teman teman.. terimakasih yaa atas doa dan supportnyaaa.. gda udah selesai sidang tugas akhir tgl 24 september kemariiinn :D :D sidang yang seruuu! (next postingan tentang sidang deeh) hihihi.. Alhamdulillahh satu amanah udah beres, bisa lebih fokus ngurus baby nantiii.. daaan perkiraan gda melahirkan adalah 23 okt-12 nov 2010.. daaan insyaAlloh gda wisuda tgl 23 okt..hehehe mepeeeet! smoga ada kesempatan merasakan wisuda di ITB kampus tercinta ini :p :p
oiyaaaa don't forget to follow me on twitter yaaaa ^^ @gdaghaida
salam silaturahim! :)
ibu-ibu style! :p :p
heheee..nyobain gaya ibu ibuuuuu :p :p (pdhl udah mau jadi ibu ibu jugaaaa)
hihi btw tas abu-abu nya hadiah ulangtaun dr kang pipin suripin suriadiripin lhooo!
uhhuuuy.. makasiiihh sayaaang! :D
btw dipikir-pikir..postingan selama gda hamil ini, pastiiii ajaaa ada warna pink pink nyaa.. ga tau kenapaa stiap liat warna pink, kesengsem bangeeeet! :D >.<
hihi btw tas abu-abu nya hadiah ulangtaun dr kang pipin suripin suriadiripin lhooo!
uhhuuuy.. makasiiihh sayaaang! :D
btw dipikir-pikir..postingan selama gda hamil ini, pastiiii ajaaa ada warna pink pink nyaa.. ga tau kenapaa stiap liat warna pink, kesengsem bangeeeet! :D >.<
un-fixed-size dress! hehehe..
hihi dress pink biru ini ukurannya sangaaaat flexible..
dulu gda bikin krn terinspirasi dr baju anduk kimono yg buat mandi ituuu..ehh ternyata masih bisa kepakeee nih pas hamil maupun ga hamil..krn ukurannya bisa d sesuaikan sm badan kitaaa.. :D :D
enaak bangett nii tinggal pake kaos daleman + legging/celana d dalemnyaa.. dan bahannya adem, daaan enak bgt buat bumil yg maleeess pake baju yg tll neken alias pengen yg longgar2 (termasuk sebenernya agak males juga kl ada karet2nya di bawah dada,suka nyesek!) hihi..mau cobaaa? nanti yaa pesen pesennya stelah gda melahirkaaan :D >.<
dulu gda bikin krn terinspirasi dr baju anduk kimono yg buat mandi ituuu..ehh ternyata masih bisa kepakeee nih pas hamil maupun ga hamil..krn ukurannya bisa d sesuaikan sm badan kitaaa.. :D :D
enaak bangett nii tinggal pake kaos daleman + legging/celana d dalemnyaa.. dan bahannya adem, daaan enak bgt buat bumil yg maleeess pake baju yg tll neken alias pengen yg longgar2 (termasuk sebenernya agak males juga kl ada karet2nya di bawah dada,suka nyesek!) hihi..mau cobaaa? nanti yaa pesen pesennya stelah gda melahirkaaan :D >.<
Senin, 04 Oktober 2010
dreaming babies!
hihi kehamilan ini membuat gda seriiiing banget ngebayangin bayi bayi yang lucu lucuuu.. sempet kepikiran pengen punya anak buanyaaak, (pengalaman punya adik banyak jd seruuu banyak temen di rumah..ramee! hehee walaupun dulu pas kecil suka maluuu pas d tanya brp adiknya..soalnya pasti komentarnya, waaa kecil kecil adiknya banyak! ;P tp seruuu rumah ga pernah sepi..eeeeh skrg adik adik udah pada mulai gede, berpencar-pencar..sibuk sama urusan masing-masing..jadi sepi lagi deeeh d rumah tinggal 2 adik kebayaaang yg jadi anak tunggal? :) )
btw balik lagi ke anak banyak..waaa seru kayanyaa.. tapi tapi, di hamil yang pertama ini..waaaa langsung deh! hamil satu anak ajaaa Subhanalloh perjuangannyaaaaaaaaaaaa >.< lemes, muntah, mual, sensitif, ga bisa tidur.. gimana anak banyaaaakkk.. jadi inget mamaaa >.< tapi katanya kalo udah ngeliat perkembangan anak, bahagianyaaa tak terkira..jadi pengen lagi pengen lagi ;p ;p hihohiho..
daan teteeep, my daily outfit!
pake baju tidur lhoo ini :p wakaka..soalnya bahannya enakeun bangeet utk ibu hamil yg suka kegerahan ini.. baju tidur strip biruu dari minimalis di paduin sama cardigan merah rumah mode + jegging henry holand yg super nyaman bahannya daaan pashmina alisha warnawarni :) hihi tambah bulet deeh pake pashmina biariiin namanya juga pengen! :D:D
(teteeep aja ketemu kaca di kamar langsung narsis ;p)
anyways, just remind youuu all my lovely customer..
sorry, PRE ORDER IS CLOSE from now on :) because of my condition at 8 month pregnancy..hope you understand.. insyAlloh i'll tell you later about next pre order :) :) luv yaaa!
it's just an experiment! :D
hihi cuman iseng-iseng lagi pingin nyoba nyoba bereksperimen dengan keruduuung..
ahirnyaaaa... taraaaa!
jadilaaahh ruffle hijab style! :D
(anyway tp muka gda yg tadinya bulet jd tambah buleeeet :p )
model ruffle ini cocoknya d paduin sm cardigan/jaket juga yg berkerah..karna ga ada tetap menutupi dada ^^ hihihi..(untuk step by step tutorialnya menyusul yaaaa :D soalnya belom sempet di editnyaa :D) bener bener deeeh ngeblogging itu butuh mood ekstraaaaa..kalo lg pengen, pengeeeen banget..kl engga, yaa engga sama skaliiii :D :D
daaan inilah hasil eksperimen gda sang ibu hamiill..wohohohoo..
have a nice day teman teman! btw jgn lupaaa follow twitter @gdaghaida :D :D
ahirnyaaaa... taraaaa!
jadilaaahh ruffle hijab style! :D
(anyway tp muka gda yg tadinya bulet jd tambah buleeeet :p )
model ruffle ini cocoknya d paduin sm cardigan/jaket juga yg berkerah..karna ga ada tetap menutupi dada ^^ hihihi..(untuk step by step tutorialnya menyusul yaaaa :D soalnya belom sempet di editnyaa :D) bener bener deeeh ngeblogging itu butuh mood ekstraaaaa..kalo lg pengen, pengeeeen banget..kl engga, yaa engga sama skaliiii :D :D
daaan inilah hasil eksperimen gda sang ibu hamiill..wohohohoo..
have a nice day teman teman! btw jgn lupaaa follow twitter @gdaghaida :D :D
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
happy Eid Mubarak 1431 H lagiii :D !
hewhewhew.. iniii baju lebaran keduaaaa :D :D
bahannya enaaak dari katun dan shiffon.. :D lagi sukaaa sekaliiih warna-warna cerah ceriaa yg ga mencolok mataa..wohoho..
dear all..
ini bisa di pesan..tapi pre order sementara sudah ditutuuup >.<
karena gda hamilnya sekarang udah 8 bulan 2 minggu.. jadi suka gak kuaaaat, lemes dan pengennya cuti dulu alias istirahaaat menanti kelahiran baby :)
makasih yaa yg sudah mau pesen-pesen.. maafff dengan sabar menanti, nanti gda kasih tau lagi kapan pre order di bukanya yaaa ^^
btw bagi teman teman yang mau follow twitter gda boleeeh kok :D :D
@gdaghaida yaa^^
bahannya enaaak dari katun dan shiffon.. :D lagi sukaaa sekaliiih warna-warna cerah ceriaa yg ga mencolok mataa..wohoho..
dear all..
ini bisa di pesan..tapi pre order sementara sudah ditutuuup >.<
karena gda hamilnya sekarang udah 8 bulan 2 minggu.. jadi suka gak kuaaaat, lemes dan pengennya cuti dulu alias istirahaaat menanti kelahiran baby :)
makasih yaa yg sudah mau pesen-pesen.. maafff dengan sabar menanti, nanti gda kasih tau lagi kapan pre order di bukanya yaaa ^^
btw bagi teman teman yang mau follow twitter gda boleeeh kok :D :D
@gdaghaida yaa^^
happy Eid Mubarak 1431 H !
heheee I knoooowww it's too late to say "happy Eid Mubarak 1431 H"
so sorryy.. soalnya gda belom sempet ajaa ngedit fotonya dan posting-postingnyaa :)
daaan ini yg gda pake waktu lebaran kemariiin :
lebaran taun ini gak bisa mudiik..karna hamilnya udah guedeeee!
jdnya pulkot deeh alias pulang kota :D ke jakartaa..lebaran bersama keluarga suamii tercintaa.. :) keliling-keliling ke jkt-BSD-mauk wuaaa pulang-pulang muntah-muntah karna kecapean.. ujiannya gitu deeh, selama bulan puasa ini gda muntah-muntah terus dan makan cuman sedikit-sedikit, lemeeess banget :( dan nafas suka kayak ter engah-engah.. tp bentar lagi melahirkaan! dag dig dug dueeerrr! hihi..
btw wktu hasil usg 6 bulan kemarin, it's baby boooy! wawawaaaw..
eeh pas 7 bulan, genti dokter, usg lagi.. dan kata dokter baby giiirrl! HAHAHAHA..
jadi bingung.. pasrah ajaa deh! smg sehat-sehat selalu yaa babyyy :)
:) :)
so sorryy.. soalnya gda belom sempet ajaa ngedit fotonya dan posting-postingnyaa :)
daaan ini yg gda pake waktu lebaran kemariiin :
lebaran taun ini gak bisa mudiik..karna hamilnya udah guedeeee!
jdnya pulkot deeh alias pulang kota :D ke jakartaa..lebaran bersama keluarga suamii tercintaa.. :) keliling-keliling ke jkt-BSD-mauk wuaaa pulang-pulang muntah-muntah karna kecapean.. ujiannya gitu deeh, selama bulan puasa ini gda muntah-muntah terus dan makan cuman sedikit-sedikit, lemeeess banget :( dan nafas suka kayak ter engah-engah.. tp bentar lagi melahirkaan! dag dig dug dueeerrr! hihi..
btw wktu hasil usg 6 bulan kemarin, it's baby boooy! wawawaaaw..
eeh pas 7 bulan, genti dokter, usg lagi.. dan kata dokter baby giiirrl! HAHAHAHA..
jadi bingung.. pasrah ajaa deh! smg sehat-sehat selalu yaa babyyy :)
:) :)
Rabu, 15 September 2010
what's the meaning of a "birthday"?
sunday, 5th september 2010.. i am going to 22 years old..
22 years ago, i learned many things.
22 years ago, i experienced many good or bad things.
22 years ago, i grew up.
22 years ago, hmmmmm.. the only question in my mind is, "is that every thing i've done is enough to get Alloh's ridho? how if the death is come? am i ready enough to face that?"
too sad to remember..too much wasting time, too much sin that i've done.. T_T
Alloh please forgive me..this time i want to ask your forgiveness..for everything..and for tomorrow, i am sure i will always ask for your forgiveness..because i am just an human, there's nothing i can do without You, Alloh..please always guide me :)
beside that, just wanna say..thank youuuu Alloh :)
too much rezeki and happyness come..too much! :)
many good things happened..
1 year ago,i got pregnant..
2 years ago, i married..
4 years ago, i entered university..
7 years ago, i became a teenager..
20 years ago, i grew up, started to walk, to talk, to socialize..
and... 22 years ago, i was born from really great family.. Alhamdulillaaah :)
i just can say, Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin :)
being a thankful person is my only hope :)
and..(hehehee.. teteeepp) what i wore on my birthday? (actually there's no special party..just family gathering at my grandmom's house and breakfasting together :) )
details :
GDa'S flowery-brown-dress :)
yongki komaladi yellow flats
unbranded brown legging
metro cream bag
:) :)
sunday, 5th september 2010.. i am going to 22 years old..
22 years ago, i learned many things.
22 years ago, i experienced many good or bad things.
22 years ago, i grew up.
22 years ago, hmmmmm.. the only question in my mind is, "is that every thing i've done is enough to get Alloh's ridho? how if the death is come? am i ready enough to face that?"
too sad to remember..too much wasting time, too much sin that i've done.. T_T
Alloh please forgive me..this time i want to ask your forgiveness..for everything..and for tomorrow, i am sure i will always ask for your forgiveness..because i am just an human, there's nothing i can do without You, Alloh..please always guide me :)
beside that, just wanna say..thank youuuu Alloh :)
too much rezeki and happyness come..too much! :)
many good things happened..
1 year ago,i got pregnant..
2 years ago, i married..
4 years ago, i entered university..
7 years ago, i became a teenager..
20 years ago, i grew up, started to walk, to talk, to socialize..
and... 22 years ago, i was born from really great family.. Alhamdulillaaah :)
i just can say, Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin :)
being a thankful person is my only hope :)
and..(hehehee.. teteeepp) what i wore on my birthday? (actually there's no special party..just family gathering at my grandmom's house and breakfasting together :) )
details :
GDa'S flowery-brown-dress :)
yongki komaladi yellow flats
unbranded brown legging
metro cream bag
:) :)
maternity outfit : stripeeyyy!
hihihi love those stripped shirt.. :) because the fabric was sooo comfy and i didn't have to wear shirt under (sometimes it makes me feel hotter) juusst a simple style! :)
mix the strippey with my favorite pinkyyyy! :)
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab
unbranded grey stripped shirt bought from mangga dua
topshop Grey flowery legging
ocean pacific pink two-side tote bag
dusty pink ballerina flats from mama hema :D
mix the blue with pinkkyyy agaiiin! :D
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab
GDa'S jeans cardigan (u can order it dear, the price is IDR 130.000)
GDa'S candygirl brooch (can be ordered, the price is IDR 75.000)
GDa'S white maxi dress (can be ordered, with the good quality of fabrics, the price is IDR 200.000)
cotton ink blue legging
adity pink flats
ehh iyaaa!
happy Eid Mubarak everyone :) sorry for late posting..hihihihi.. :D
hope Eid Mubarak is not the end of our religious-spirit, but this is the time we started to do more and moreeeee ibadah.. amin :)
sorry fooooorrr everryyyyy mistakes that i've done, really really sorry.. T_T
love you all! :) *smooch smooch..
mix the strippey with my favorite pinkyyyy! :)
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab
unbranded grey stripped shirt bought from mangga dua
topshop Grey flowery legging
ocean pacific pink two-side tote bag
dusty pink ballerina flats from mama hema :D
mix the blue with pinkkyyy agaiiin! :D
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab
GDa'S jeans cardigan (u can order it dear, the price is IDR 130.000)
GDa'S candygirl brooch (can be ordered, the price is IDR 75.000)
GDa'S white maxi dress (can be ordered, with the good quality of fabrics, the price is IDR 200.000)
cotton ink blue legging
adity pink flats
ehh iyaaa!
happy Eid Mubarak everyone :) sorry for late posting..hihihihi.. :D
hope Eid Mubarak is not the end of our religious-spirit, but this is the time we started to do more and moreeeee ibadah.. amin :)
sorry fooooorrr everryyyyy mistakes that i've done, really really sorry.. T_T
love you all! :) *smooch smooch..
daily diary,
daily style,
GDa'S lovely dress,
maternity outfit : colour of days :)
[ daily outfit, not for sale :) ]
aaaaa entering 7,5 month pregnancy.. amaziiinggg! masiiih aja mual dan muntah menghampiri hari hari gda.. gak bisa shaummm T_T badan mulai pegel-pegeeel, perut kerasa berat..hari-hari kerasa geraaah..cepet lemeees..tidur gak nyenyak, malem gelisah..makin genduuuuutt..hihihihihihi..but every bad things gonna be disappeared when my baby's is kicking and wrestling :) happy when i can do some "contact" with him/her (i don't know even she/he is a baby girl or baby boy? because usg's result from different doctors tell me the different gender..hahaha..quite, tawakkal is the best way :D ) preganancy is surely amazing! the important thing is my baby insyaAlloh always get healthy :) :) luuuuvvv yaaa babyyy..can't wait to meet you in real! hohoho..
love the sooooffft colour :)
love the comfyyy fabrics :)
dress up is not only about "the good looking" but also "the good mind, body, and soul" hihihihi..
let's get the maxi's started :)
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab (my favourite colour eveeerrr! :))
zara flowery maxi dress
mango cotton jacket
unbranded rattan clutch from bunda rini
crocs orange flats
and let's get the color being unpredictable :p :p
details :
unbranded dark blue paris hijab
unbranded blue blouse
rumah mode orange vest
liliana abstact legging
crocs orange flats
have a nice day everyone..
anyways last time i joined hijab scarf gathering @ UK,Plaza Indonesia.. woooww! beautifully amaziiiing! seems every muslimah has their own style and aaaa subhanalloh! unfortunately i didn't take any picture..hehehe, too lazyyy..because i spent my time with paying attention to new beautiful muslimah friends :)
aaaaa entering 7,5 month pregnancy.. amaziiinggg! masiiih aja mual dan muntah menghampiri hari hari gda.. gak bisa shaummm T_T badan mulai pegel-pegeeel, perut kerasa berat..hari-hari kerasa geraaah..cepet lemeees..tidur gak nyenyak, malem gelisah..makin genduuuuutt..hihihihihihi..but every bad things gonna be disappeared when my baby's is kicking and wrestling :) happy when i can do some "contact" with him/her (i don't know even she/he is a baby girl or baby boy? because usg's result from different doctors tell me the different gender..hahaha..quite, tawakkal is the best way :D ) preganancy is surely amazing! the important thing is my baby insyaAlloh always get healthy :) :) luuuuvvv yaaa babyyy..can't wait to meet you in real! hohoho..
love the sooooffft colour :)
love the comfyyy fabrics :)
dress up is not only about "the good looking" but also "the good mind, body, and soul" hihihihi..
let's get the maxi's started :)
details :
unbranded peach paris hijab (my favourite colour eveeerrr! :))
zara flowery maxi dress
mango cotton jacket
unbranded rattan clutch from bunda rini
crocs orange flats
and let's get the color being unpredictable :p :p
details :
unbranded dark blue paris hijab
unbranded blue blouse
rumah mode orange vest
liliana abstact legging
crocs orange flats
have a nice day everyone..
anyways last time i joined hijab scarf gathering @ UK,Plaza Indonesia.. woooww! beautifully amaziiiing! seems every muslimah has their own style and aaaa subhanalloh! unfortunately i didn't take any picture..hehehe, too lazyyy..because i spent my time with paying attention to new beautiful muslimah friends :)
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
full-colour versus pale-colour..which one is yours?
try to take the picture by my self..hehehhee.. (krn ga ada yg bisa motoin..sibuuuk semuaaa :p :p )
over confidence pregnant mommy niiih walaupun perut membuncit :p
sooo here it is.. full colour versus pale colour.. :)
maxi dress tiiiimeeee! :)
well well well..
this is for sale girls :) :)
full-colour session :
green apple cardigan : IDR 90.000
abstract full-colour maxi dress : IDR 200.000 (fit to M-XL size, wohoho)
pale-colour session :
baby-blue jeans cardigan : IDR 130.000 (fit to M-L size)
tie die blue maxi dress : IDR 200.000 (fit to M-XL size, wohoho)
ONLY ONE STOCK EACH! soooo grab it fast as fast as u caaaaan! hihihihi..
over confidence pregnant mommy niiih walaupun perut membuncit :p
sooo here it is.. full colour versus pale colour.. :)
maxi dress tiiiimeeee! :)
well well well..
this is for sale girls :) :)
full-colour session :
green apple cardigan : IDR 90.000
abstract full-colour maxi dress : IDR 200.000 (fit to M-XL size, wohoho)
pale-colour session :
baby-blue jeans cardigan : IDR 130.000 (fit to M-L size)
tie die blue maxi dress : IDR 200.000 (fit to M-XL size, wohoho)
ONLY ONE STOCK EACH! soooo grab it fast as fast as u caaaaan! hihihihi..
Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010
maternity outfit : blue mix brown, why not? :)
agaaiin.. my daily outfit.. not for sale! hihihi..
anyways.. entering 6 month pregnancy! :) :) rakus rakus daaan rakus.. walaupun kadang masi suka muntah dan mual >.< quite happy with this weight is 53 kilograms now! :) :) and my baby keeps kicking and wrestling all the times.. >.< funny! i guess my baby will be an "active and cheerful" baby..hihihi..
can't waiiittttt to do baby's preparation..
cute room..
cute clothes..
aaaaaa everythings!
one thing must be finished before is... GRADUATE FROM ITB! hohohoho..insyaAlloh i'll do seminar (sidang) on this month.. keep praying for me and my baby yaa teman2 ^^ insyaAlloh i'll graduate on October 2010 :) amiiin.. and delivering my baby on early November 2010 :D amiiin..
and got this new silver ring from my hubbyyy.. thank u ayaaaah! :)
details :
unbranded brown paris hijab
zara TRF blue shirt
gedebage pattern dress (my sister's)
cotton ink blue legging
anyways.. entering 6 month pregnancy! :) :) rakus rakus daaan rakus.. walaupun kadang masi suka muntah dan mual >.< quite happy with this weight is 53 kilograms now! :) :) and my baby keeps kicking and wrestling all the times.. >.< funny! i guess my baby will be an "active and cheerful" baby..hihihi..
can't waiiittttt to do baby's preparation..
cute room..
cute clothes..
aaaaaa everythings!
one thing must be finished before is... GRADUATE FROM ITB! hohohoho..insyaAlloh i'll do seminar (sidang) on this month.. keep praying for me and my baby yaa teman2 ^^ insyaAlloh i'll graduate on October 2010 :) amiiin.. and delivering my baby on early November 2010 :D amiiin..
and got this new silver ring from my hubbyyy.. thank u ayaaaah! :)
details :
unbranded brown paris hijab
zara TRF blue shirt
gedebage pattern dress (my sister's)
cotton ink blue legging
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
maternity outfit : silk-scarf!
scarf can make a new look of style and it can cover your stomach esp if u have a BIG stomach as mine :p
details :
unbranded paris crema hijab
GDa'S crema long dress
unbranded brown legging
yellow-silk-scarf from papa limanseto (my father in-law) gift from China
my-Grandmom's vintage bag
yongki komaladi yellow flats shoe
details :
unbranded paris crema hijab
GDa'S crema long dress
unbranded brown legging
yellow-silk-scarf from papa limanseto (my father in-law) gift from China
my-Grandmom's vintage bag
yongki komaladi yellow flats shoe
maternity outfit : black flowery shirt!
my daily style! :)
not all kind of fabrics i can wear. because uncomfy fabrics can turn my mood down! seriously >.< actually i dont like wearing black colour! because it makes me feel hotter and "uring-uringan" wohoho..buuut! again! mama hema just arrived from paris and bring me those black-flowery-shirt and comfy jegging! Alhamdulillah.. hihihi..sooo comfy! :)
unbranded grey paris hijab
redherring maternity black flowery shirt from mama hema
henry london jegging
unbranded white gladiator
unbranded biri-biri bag ( my daddy gift from makkah )
GDa'S jeans vest
not all kind of fabrics i can wear. because uncomfy fabrics can turn my mood down! seriously >.< actually i dont like wearing black colour! because it makes me feel hotter and "uring-uringan" wohoho..buuut! again! mama hema just arrived from paris and bring me those black-flowery-shirt and comfy jegging! Alhamdulillah.. hihihi..sooo comfy! :)
unbranded grey paris hijab
redherring maternity black flowery shirt from mama hema
henry london jegging
unbranded white gladiator
unbranded biri-biri bag ( my daddy gift from makkah )
GDa'S jeans vest
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