Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

friend requests : dress for work plus party :)

Asih and Wiedya request design for their working-dress. asih wants to wear batik as dress, besides she can wear it for work, she also can wear it to a party after work. here is my suggestion :

basic design 1

design 1

design 2

basic design 2

design 3

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

ciiihuuuyyyness : featured on aulia's blog and puput's blog :)


featured on aulia's blog.. :) she is a cute muslimah doctor actually.. you can check her blog here :)

thank youuu dear aulia ^^

and agaaaain..

featured on puput's blog.. :) i do loove her style :) :) just check her blog here

thank youuu puput ^^

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

design baju prom-night nya tasha :)

dear tasha.. this is my design for your prom-night gown :)
just choose it as you want to.. :)

basic design 1

for this design, u need the burgundy basic fabrics (merah marun) about 4 meters.

design 1

design 2

basic design 2
this style is very cute, i will make a cape for you, hope it'll still stylish yet covered your breast. 3 meters burgundy fabrics with width 115 cm is enough.

design 3

design 4

design 5

basic design 3
this is princess style, you can mix and match it with cute bandana.. it needs about 3,5 meters basic fabrics (burgundy).

design 6
(burgundy and grey, masculin style!)

design 7
(burgundy with gold application make u more luxury and elegant)

hope you'll like it tasha! and we can realize it soon! InsyaAlloh.. :)

anddd.. here it is, tasha promnight gown :

the details :

( cape-style : made from lace fabric )

anyways.. tasha ordered it for price up from 600.000 :)

u can order it too darl :) just email me ok!

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

gown : candy girl ! :D

birthday girl.. prom girl.. cocktail party.. attending afternoon party..

a a a a a a a a a a a a ! just just just ! email meee... ^^


Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

gown : gold cashmere :)

attending wedding party.. lamaran.. pengajian.. photo session.. jusssttttt.. email me! :) :)

:) :)

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

kebaya-gamis : GREYISH barbie !

suitable in any formal-occasion :
- attending wedding party ( both afternoon and evening )
- lamaran
- wisuda
- etc.

:) interested? just.... email meeee ! :) :)

(price range : IDR 600.000 - 2.000.000) depend on fabrics and application :) :)

jungle-preggie-mom style! :D :D

finallyyyy.. i can post my outfit! :'D

details :

brown hicont rabbani hijab
gedebage stripped shirt ( only IDR 5000.. hihi and this is my favourite one (very comfy fabrics)! )
paff ruffled brownie dress
metro dept store black tights
Crocs orange flats
retrogogo owl bag ( you can order it dear! the price is IDR 310.000 :) :) )

i-am-happy-mom-wanna-be! amiin

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

FEVER? still say Alhamdulillaah :)

last 6 days was very very terrible for me..

i had a really bad FEVER, and i was worried about my future baby.. (*_*) because getting ill when we are at first 3mester pregnancy is very dangerous for the embryo..

it's really need a big effort to get healthy back, to eat something (because of queasy-spit), anything! even to wake up! *_*

but, there are so many lesson behind.. Alhamdulillaaah..

first, Alhamdulillah.. i believe this is Alloh's way to remind me, to love me, to take care of me.. Alloh won't let me forget Him even a lil minute! Alloh gives me more change to introspection, to reflect back how many sins that i've done.. to TAUBAT!

second, Alhamdulillaaah.. Alloh gives me very very niiiiiceee super duper nice! Husband.. i dont know, how I am.. if there's no husband like kang Apin.. He was taking care of me, with lots of love.. shopping to market, cooking, massaging, cleaning home, not sleeping while my fever getting worst in the middle of the night.. and he always take a pray for me.. wishing Alloh give me health soon.. thank you dear AYABI.. :) GDA SAYANG KANG APIN.. :)

third, Subhanalloh.. it's not easy to be a mother! really need big JIHAD here.. even i am just a future-mother.. pregnancy is really need a JIHAD.. :') something easy before, but be difficult then.. sensitive.. morning sickness.. aaaaa one thing i just remember is my MOTHER! i felt soooo guilty..i haven't be a proper girl, who treat my mother so well..

and now.. Alhamdulillah.. i am getting better.. :) Although i still need a few times to recovery.. but maybe at wednesday i'll do TORCH test @ pramita Lab..just testing, because i am afraid something happen with me and can be dangerous for my future-baby.. hope everything will be fine.. (i still need your prayer.. ^^)

anywaysss! one good news..

i won muslimah style competition @ hijabstyle ! Alhamdulillaaah.. never expect to much about that.. because i thought the winner would be someone else.. just wanna say thank youuuuu for everyone whom vote me.. :) i really appreciate it :)

and i had choosen this scarf as gift from hijabstyle (thank you so much Jana :) ) can't wait to wear it, mix it, and match it! :) :)

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Waaaa.. Abt 1 week after knowing my pregnancy, I haven't update my blog yet..

Biasanya tiap hari foto2, skrg rasanya mual dan harus semangaaat! :) :)

Sbenernya gda demam tinggi jugaa..hiks..mhn doanya yaa tmn2..tkt jg knp2 sm janinnya.. :'(

Waaaa teman2ku semua, terimakasi yaa utk doa doa dan supportnyaaa di post kmrn :) bikin gda tambah semangat..

Anyways, just checking
Well well well, if you like me, if you want me to be the favourite muslimah style features, just vote me :) hihihi..

Thank youuu dear lovely friends..

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Alhamdulillaaaah.. I'm Pregnant ! :)

Alhamdulillaaah Ya Alloh..

after almost 1,5 years marriage.. Alloh give us a chance to be a mommy and daddy! :) insyaAlloh.. :)

really really happyyyyy..

really really happyyyyy..

gak nyangkaaa.. jadi ingeett.. emg akhir2 ini gda sakit peruuuut melulu, lapeeer melulu (ini emg dari dulu sih, hehe), udah gituu sensitiiiiff abeeessshhh! :D :D :D
dan tanda-tanda tak biasa lainnya (gak bisa d sebutin karna....too personal..hehehe)

trs kemarinnya, gda aneh bangeettt! kan musti belanja2 bahan dll, untuk pesenan, kok rasanya lemeeess..dan gak kuat bawa barang banyaaak..rasanya linglung..
1. sampe pas nyetir gak ngeh kalo mobil gda keserempet tukang taraje (tangga dari bambu) dan gda biasa2 aja..pdhl mobil lumayan baret >.<
2. pas beli bahan, di dalem pikiran gda beli 1 meter aja, ehh taunya gda bilangnya 2 meter kata mas nya..untung di tanya ulang.. linglung niih yee..
3. tibatiba ajaaa supplier langganan nanya, "mau kmn abis dr sini neng?" "mau ke dokter kandungan, mau konsultasi (ini ide suamiku)" "hah! si eneng hamil? udah berapa bulan? aduuh kecil2 hamiiiiiiillll T_T" hahahhaha..
laaaangsuuung pada hueboooohhhh setoko toko.. sampe pembeli lainnya hebohh.. karna gda belanjaannya banyak banget, dan berat bangett..biasanya fine2 aja bawa sendiri ke parkiran. ehh langsung deh mereka sibuk ngebantuin gda..hihihi.. pdhl gda belum tau hamil apa enggak, tp serasa gak bisa jawab engga..hehehe..Alhamdulillaaah..

ehhh pas di rumah,
my hubby bilang, "kayaknya sayang hamil deh.. feeling aku gitu.. soalnya aku jg ngerasa beda skrg, jadi semangat banget buat kerja tambah giat lagi.."

kata gda, "masa sih? tp aku gak terlalu ngerasa syg.. aku malah mules2 gak jelas aja nih.. gak enak perut, linu linuuuuu.. (ooo taunya emang gda makan nanas banyak2, sambel banyak2, bakso pedes2, ikan bakar,dll)"

trs my hubby bilang lg, "yaudah pokoknya malem ini aku beli "sensitif" yaaa!"

kata gda, "okeehhh!"

dannn esok harinya, suamiku lg yang ngingetin utk test di pagi hari pas pipis pertama..hehehe, gda lupalupa inget musti test soalnya.. :D :D

pas di tes, DEG DEG ANNNN BANGEEETTT! abiiis biasanya test pack negatiiif perasaan berkata lain..hwahahhaa..aduh pokoknya deg deg an pasrah ajaa siih, krn udh biasa negatif.. dan ternyataaa, muncul strip nya satu biji! T_T yaudaaah hopeless.. (ini karna gda penasaran bgt, dan jadinya buru2 gituu gak sabar liatnya) eehhh bbrp menit kemudian, Ya Alloh! muncul strip satu lagiiiiiii... dreng deng deeeeng.. ya Alloh positiveeeeeeeeee...

langsung deeeh panggil kang apin tercinta..dan berpelukan *sensor*..
terharuuuu bangeett.. kita nangis berdua deeeh.. gak nyangka Ya Allohhhh...Engkau memberi rezeki memang tidak di duga-duga.. >.<

berasa percaya gak percaya gituuu keliatan suamiku seneng bangeeet..gda juga terharu bangeett...rasanya pengen nangis2 gimanaaa gt, akan menjadi orang tua, seorang ibu..hawhawhaw..

tapi, krn kita masih percaya gak percaya..jadi belum pengumuman, mw pengumuman setelah cek ke dokter kandungan(eehhh tapi gak kuaaatt..pengen cerita..ahirnya kita teuteuup deh kasi tau bapa, mama, bunda, enin, dan yang bertemu kita secara tak sengaja..heuehue)

ahirnyaaa setelah mengantri lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... kita di cek sama dokter Dian di Poliklinik DT.. :) :) truuuus di usg deeh..

(with dokter dian, foto fotoooooo)

(di depan poliklinik DT, hehee calon ayabi dan bundami.. ini rencana panggilan kita..hehehhee.. panjang ya? aneh gak siih? ini ceritanya singkatan dari ayabi : ayah abi, bundami : bunda ummi) kyahahhaa..

aw aw aw! pas dokternya bilang, gda hamiiil ! langsung kang apin loncat loncat dan kita jadi heboooh.. (maaf ya bu dokter..hehehe) soalnya berasaaa yaaa gituuu percaya ga aw awww..Alhamdulillaaah Ya Alloh..

langsung dehhh bu dokter menyarankan gda untuk minum susuuuuu..oooooo gda gak doyan susuuuu..hiks hoekkss..dari dulu, gda gak doyan minum susu atau es demi calon bayi kuuuu.. ^^ insyaAlloh mommy berusahaaa.. (Adeuhhhh *_*)

langsuuuung dehh kita ke apotik beli vitamin dan beli2 syusyuuuu anmum, susu ibu hamiiil.. :D :D

ehhh nyampe rumah langsung minum susu, ternyata ENAAAKKKK ! Alhamdulillaaah..hihi, doyan deeh.. :D :D smg sampe nanti nanti rajiiin minum susuu..

(ini iseng! hehe.. katanya ibu hamil hrs banyak minum..)

Alhamdulillaaah Ya Alloh, rezeki dan nikmat dariMu datang selalu tak terduga dan indaaah.. ^^ smg hamba dan pasangan hamba, bisa menjaga amanah ini dengan sebaik2nya.. menjadikan hamba lebih baik, bs menjadi orangtua yg bisa jd tauladan.. dan diberi kesehatan lahirbatin.. dan dear calon baby, smg sehat2 selalu yaa..sehat fisik lahir batin :) :) semangaaaaatttt! perjuangan gda masi panjaaaang.. heuheue.. ^^
mohon doanya yaaa temen temen.. :)

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

never be ashamed to wear our DIY project!

todaaaayyyy! i wear my DIY korean-jeans-skirt! asyiiiikkkk.. :) :)

first style :

second style :

which one do you prefer? >.<

about the news today, aaaaaaaa... pokoknya gda mau bilang Alhamdulillaaaah...

Do-It-Myself : korean jeans skirt! :)

ewwww a few times ago.. i bought a cute jeans skirt! with very very lowwww price for new stuffs.. buuuuttt! there's a "reject" ! and.. i've got an idea to cover the "reject" and make it mooooreee cute and i called it "korean-jeans-skirt!"

just check it out! :)

first step!

well, this is my jeans skirt! my theme is " cute korean " so, i collected all of match fabrics scraps.. which the colours are blue, white ribbon, grey.. :)

second step!

just draw or print the shape as you want! :) and i make it like a circle, ruffles, and candy! :) ( better to use pencil to draw the shape )

third step!

just cut it out! :) :)

fourth step!

cut another fabrics :)

fifth step!

place the modified fabric scarp as we want.. :)

sixth step!

just need a lil sewing skills, you can make it by handmade or use a sewing machine.



my D-I-Y korean-jeans-skirt! hohoho can't wait to wear it! >.<
(ps : you can modified the skirt as you want, just blow up you creativity! :) )

ps agaaainn from GDa'S Gallery :

hihi, you can order it dearrr.. the price is only IDR 190.000 ! and you can order the shape of the application, as you want! for example : heart, flowers, etc.

just email me. :)

add me on YM :
or if you have a blackberry smartphone, just gimme your pin :)



i do love black, but i'm not a true rocker! :p

well well well..

again and agaiiinnn.. my mother inlaw bought me a black-leather-jacket! yiipiiye e.. (actually this is not true leather.. the true leather was too macho for me.. hahhaa macho? >.< )

grey paris hijab, unbranded black leather jacket (ITC mangga dua), GDa'S white lacey dress, GDa'S short grey skirt, GDa'S black tights ( the price is IDR 60.000 ), catwalk grey heels..


there's a good news today.. Alhamdulillah..
but, i'll tell you later yaaa... ^^