sunday, 5th september 2010.. i am going to 22 years old..
22 years ago, i learned many things.
22 years ago, i experienced many good or bad things.
22 years ago, i grew up.
22 years ago, hmmmmm.. the only question in my mind is, "is that every thing i've done is enough to get Alloh's ridho? how if the death is come? am i ready enough to face that?"
too sad to remember..too much wasting time, too much sin that i've done.. T_T
Alloh please forgive me..this time i want to ask your forgiveness..for everything..and for tomorrow, i am sure i will always ask for your forgiveness..because i am just an human, there's nothing i can do without You, Alloh..please always guide me :)
beside that, just wanna say..thank youuuu Alloh :)
too much rezeki and happyness come..too much! :)
many good things happened..
1 year ago,i got pregnant..
2 years ago, i married..
4 years ago, i entered university..
7 years ago, i became a teenager..
20 years ago, i grew up, started to walk, to talk, to socialize..
and... 22 years ago, i was born from really great family.. Alhamdulillaaah :)
i just can say, Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin :)
being a thankful person is my only hope :)
and..(hehehee.. teteeepp) what i wore on my birthday? (actually there's no special party..just family gathering at my grandmom's house and breakfasting together :) )

details :
GDa'S flowery-brown-dress :)
yongki komaladi yellow flats
unbranded brown legging
metro dept.store cream bag
:) :)