ewwww sooo soft and calm.. soft pink!

wooww so big and comfyy! (esp for pregnant woman like me! >.<)
what i wore :
paris hijab
wondershoe white flats shoe
GDa'S pink-seamed-dress!
fabrics : good quality and comfy cotton
detail : seam / lipitan-lipitan + pink polka dot belt
price : IDR 180.000
status : pre order! (don't be afraid abt size, u can see at label how to buy and order)
usage : playing, hang out, family agenda, etc.
heiii ! don't be afraid for u whom doesn't pregnant! just put the belt at your waist..taraaaaa!

and it will be more outstanding if u put
GDa'S crochet cape at your shoulder and yellow belt at your waist. :)
GDa'S crochet cape!
fabrics : good quality crochet
detail : flowery motifs made by crochet
price : IDR 70.000
status : ready stock, all size
usage : playing, hang out, etc.
GDa'S yellow-belt!
fabrics : good quality imitation skin and elastic fabric
price : IDR 60.000
status : ready stock, all size
usage : playing, hang out, etc.
what are u waiting for?
juuuussttt email me at gdagallery@yahoo.com