haii dear all :)
miss yaa..hihi..about 2 weeks i didn't update my blog..hmmm cukup lamaaa (bagi yg rajiiin banget update) but for me..trully that's not long enough..because, these blog is just for fun! when i am in the mood to post, then i post it..but if the opposite happened, i won't post any words, even its just 2 words..heuww
bytheway..@ 16th of december 2009, i attended a fashion show @ Hilton Hotel Bandung..i always feel excited to come..actually, i got an invitation from tante irna mutiara (my favourite designer).. ^^

my hubby said that, in those room, there's a lot of Bandung's socialite (actually i don't really understand about 'socialite') but i just want to see the creativity of our designer..they are sooo inspiring! :) :)

GREEN ! i looove GREEN ! and Hennie Noor make it sooo beautiful !

yelloooww! silooooww ! hehehe.. i have to beee brave to wear this! of course, i'll make it looong dress..

hihihi looks like "hewan qurban" :p no no no! this is Herman Nuary's design.. the hijab was soooo cool.. but i have no idea to wear it.heuheue..
actuallyy..i take a lot of picture, but they was "bluuurrr" hiksss.. :( hehe, i thought, i really concentrated to the fashion show, so i didn't have enough time for capturing the show..hihihi..
hmmm..the show is over..so i went out of the room, and saw some fashion exhibition..woooww, always always great! although sometimes i wondering, how those amazing clothes/dress can be worn for daily life? but, my hubby said that there's some "socialite" whom often wearing them.
bytheway, i wore my GDa'S black bolero mix with purple batik..because the dresscode was HERITAGEOUS (haha, actually i wasn't really understand abt that, and i thought batik is the best choise) :D :D

and finallyyyy..i met tante Irna Mutiaraaaa :) she's so kind to me :) i looove her and loove her design (especially her wedding gown design..uhuhu pengeeeen bisa kayak gituuu) she always supporting me to learn and learn, to be a great designer! and she offered me to join APPMI jawa Barat..hahhaa, i have to learn more and more.. yeapp! that's rite.. I am a Great-fashion-Designer-who-always-try-to-reach-Alloh's ridho Wanna Be..amin :)

(me with tante irna mutiara :) )