try mixing those lovely crema with pinkyyy! hihi.. my fav colour too ^^

with my fav jacket nowadays.. ^^

and ready to catch up jakesully the avatar man @ PVJ! :D :D
ouppps! then i met ghina and ghaitsa (my lil sisters) @ elevator..waaahhh!

and kick our hungryness @ RED BEAN !

alhamdulillaaah.. dear Alloh, there's no words i can say beside THANK YOU so Much.. we love Alloh for always, and always. amin
Ghaidaaa.. langsung digradak 2 postingan, hehehe :D
BalasHapusalways looove your choices of dresses..
lovely jacket, too..
Btw kayak pernah liat jaketnya di blog aifa.. eh salah ya..
akhirnya ada link follow ^^ definitely following you!
suka deh sama mix and matchnya teteh ghaidaaa.
BalasHapus@ tianana / tiananda ya? : hehee..iyaa gini nihh kalo lagi rajin, langsung bbrp postingan.. eehh giliran lg males, langsuung ngilang 2 minggu :D :D
BalasHapusthank youuu darlaaa.. for loving my choise and for following me! :)
iyaaa..aifa pernah blg, aifa sm adiknya punya jaket yg sama..pdhl aku udah beli bbrp tahun yglalu lhoo..ehh tyt abis itu aifa lgsg posting jaket ini deeh..waah, kayaknya aifa yg bikin tyt.. :D :D akuu sukaaa jaket ini ^^
@ monciiii : thank youuu say....ur! hehehe..