no tv, no handphone, no PC, no blog, no facebook, no camera, etc..
what will I do?
do I still alive?
without electronics thingy..i am sure i can survive..
heyyaa Ghaidaa! STOP blogging, facebooking, touching your notebook if you just being careless of your priority. (like what u said to be sure, that you can still alive when there's no electronics thingy)
(gini nih kalo seharian udah di depan PC..susah pindahnyaa..padahal banyak kerjaan lain! hiksss.. becareful! too much PC, too much toxic perching on our body)
gdaaa... mau tasnyaa... lucu bgt... ^^
BalasHapusteteh, itu teh dress? modelnya nna sukaa.. ^_^
BalasHapusdressnya berapa ya ?