miss yaa..hihi..about 2 weeks i didn't update my blog..hmmm cukup lamaaa (bagi yg rajiiin banget update) but for me..trully that's not long enough..because, these blog is just for fun! when i am in the mood to post, then i post it..but if the opposite happened, i won't post any words, even its just 2 words..heuww
bytheway..@ 16th of december 2009, i attended a fashion show @ Hilton Hotel Bandung..i always feel excited to come..actually, i got an invitation from tante irna mutiara (my favourite designer).. ^^

my hubby said that, in those room, there's a lot of Bandung's socialite (actually i don't really understand about 'socialite') but i just want to see the creativity of our designer..they are sooo inspiring! :) :)

GREEN ! i looove GREEN ! and Hennie Noor make it sooo beautiful !

yelloooww! silooooww ! hehehe.. i have to beee brave to wear this! of course, i'll make it looong dress..

hihihi looks like "hewan qurban" :p no no no! this is Herman Nuary's design.. the hijab was soooo cool.. but i have no idea to wear it.heuheue..
actuallyy..i take a lot of picture, but they was "bluuurrr" hiksss.. :( hehe, i thought, i really concentrated to the fashion show, so i didn't have enough time for capturing the show..hihihi..
hmmm..the show is over..so i went out of the room, and saw some fashion exhibition..woooww, always always great! although sometimes i wondering, how those amazing clothes/dress can be worn for daily life? but, my hubby said that there's some "socialite" whom often wearing them.
bytheway, i wore my GDa'S black bolero mix with purple batik..because the dresscode was HERITAGEOUS (haha, actually i wasn't really understand abt that, and i thought batik is the best choise) :D :D

and finallyyyy..i met tante Irna Mutiaraaaa :) she's so kind to me :) i looove her and loove her design (especially her wedding gown design..uhuhu pengeeeen bisa kayak gituuu) she always supporting me to learn and learn, to be a great designer! and she offered me to join APPMI jawa Barat..hahhaa, i have to learn more and more.. yeapp! that's rite.. I am a Great-fashion-Designer-who-always-try-to-reach-Alloh's ridho Wanna Be..amin :)

(me with tante irna mutiara :) )
ooh you're so lucky. aku pengen banget dateng ke fashion show gituu untuk nambah inspirasi, soalnya sama nih lagi dlm rangka pengen bikin clothing line sendiri hehe. insya Allah, amien.
BalasHapusooh ade mu di jerman jg, yaaah sayang bgt aku udah pulang dari jerman dan for good di indonesia terus sepertinya hihi. tapi buat ghazi ga usah khawatir sih soalnya ppi jerman rata2 ramah bgt dan welcome sm anak baru, pasti ditemenin kemana2 hehe. waduh jadi panjang nih,
nice to know you ghaida :)
aaih aiih..ghaida bikin aku iriiiii...jadi pengen,,
BalasHapuskalo di jogja isi fashion show nya batiiiikkkk melulu..
memang sih membudayakan khas indonesia.
tapi kan pengen juga gituh sekali2 liat yang fresh2 selain batik..dari perancang nasional.
btw btw...km ngapain tuh liat pakean pengantin lagii..hayooooo..jangan-jangaaan..hahaha..*joke*
Ghaidaaaa :D akhirnya posting lagi ^___^
BalasHapuswuaaahhh pengen bisa dateng ke acara2 spt itu.. BTW irna mutiara tu yg punya Irna La Perle yaa?
You're so lucky :) aku juga lg pengen bgt bikin online butik... ^^
thanks 4 the inspiration!
@ cythia : waaahhh..udah gak di jerman ternyata..heuhue..si ghazi baru mau berjuang disana..Alhamdulillah deeh kalo disana pada welcome ^^ nice to know you too cythia..
BalasHapus@ nana : iyaa batik itu kereeen..tp kadang kalo too much batik, jadi serasa gak special..heuhe..tp tergantung jg denk, tgtg kreativitas designernya :D iyaaa aku liat2 gaun pengantin, karna aku lg ada order baju pengantin..hihihi :)
@ tianana : iyaaa tante irna yg punya irna la perle :)
@ all : iyaa Alhamdulillaah bisa dtg k acara kyk gitu..tp memang harus hati hatii banget, kenapaa? krn kl sering2..suasananya glamour..dll, hati2 kita jadi kebawa2..dunia fash show ituuu bkn cuma kreativitas, tp yaaa itu tadii..pergaulannya bedaaa.. :D serba mahaaaal :D pasti temen2 juga lagi semangat bikin butik yaaa, baik online maupun offline..semangaaat! siapa tauuu kita punya area sendiri, yg isinya butik2 hasil kreativitas kitaaa..muslimah fashion center misalnyaa..hihi..selain bisa di banggakan, tp juga jadi jalan da'wah, kalo pake kerudung ituuuu gak kuper lhooo..malah kreatif! :)
hai ghaida, salam kenal. aku suka baca blogmu. your fashion taste kreatif-fresh-modis.
BalasHapusseneng yaa bisa ktmu sama tante irna, dina juga ngefans bgt dengan beliau. ingin memakai baju rancangannya (tp mahal, sayang uangnya, hehhehe).
harapan dina, ghaida bisa bikin clothing line gaun2 muslimah yang keren dengan harga miring ;)
sukses ya ghaida!
lihat mode kamu kira2 bisa g pesan beberapa dari hasil kamu untuk di jual