soooo warm !
soooo down to earth !
that's brown :)

those GDa'S ribbony-brown skirt is only IDR 100.000 ( this is pre order! ) :)
and the GDa'S white-lacey-cardigan is only IDR 130.000 ( this is pre order! )
and the rattan-ethnic-bag is only IDR 150.000 :)

wearing brownie thingy is very very saaaaafe.. trust me! :)
soo,what are you waiting for? just order it!
luv luv,
ow... ow..... gda......... sukkkaaaaaa ma coklat, my fav!! ^^ (hbisnya kata hubby aku makin cantik mke coklat hihi) yg pualing atas tu suka nih buat coass ky aku yg pengen tampil unik, menarik tp tetep ada resminya hehehe
BalasHapuslove the dress!!!
BalasHapusbisa dipake semi-formal, santai bahkan formal sekalipun :D
uda lama jd silent reader di blog kamuuuu :D
i really love your style, dear!
and everytime i saw and read your blog i envy you because you are so pretty and stylish even with hijab! *membuat saya ingin pake jilbab hehehehe
nice blog, btw :D
love the 1st & second look ^^
BalasHapusaku ga bisa pake pashmina, Ghaidaa T_T keliatan aneh. Tapi di kamu baguuus hehehe
Gda baju2nya lucu2 deh ;)
teteeehh.. :D rok yang di gambar pertama lucuuu.. sukaaa.. :) dijual ga teh? ^_^
BalasHapusaw,aw,,,cardigan putihnya lucu!! :)
BalasHapusghaida, itu good idea bgt yang di gambar ke-3. bisa dipake ke kawinan kalo uda keabisan baju :D. sipppp..dicontoh dehh ;)
BalasHapusbtw gabung donk. seru bgt atuh di forum itu. kamu pasti syuka