again and agaiiinnn.. my mother inlaw bought me a black-leather-jacket! yiipiiye e.. (actually this is not true leather.. the true leather was too macho for me.. hahhaa macho? >.< )

grey paris hijab, unbranded black leather jacket (ITC mangga dua), GDa'S white lacey dress, GDa'S short grey skirt, GDa'S black tights ( the price is IDR 60.000 ), catwalk grey heels..
there's a good news today.. Alhamdulillah..
but, i'll tell you later yaaa... ^^
nice :))
BalasHapusplease check my blog ghaida
BalasHapusi wrote something bout u:)
gda mang ispiratif.. lucu.. pinter deh maduinnya,aku cuma buat naek motor ajah.. hihi wah apa berita baiknya.. jangan2 "positip" ?? semoga yah.. ^_^
BalasHapusgdaaa... itu cha mau bgt jaket kulitnya lagi nyari kaya gtu... >.< kapan atuh mau ktmuan teh???
BalasHapuscieee... :)
BalasHapuspenasaran nih sama good news-nya ^^
white lacey dress nya keren :)
BalasHapusi love that grey bootsss hiihihihihi
Ghaida request tutorial cara memakai jilbab dong. Abisnya kamu cara pake jilbabnya beda2 & bagus2, beda sm aku yg gitu2 doang, hihi.
BalasHapuskeren banget
BalasHapuskeren banget,
BalasHapustetep fasionable tp tetep tutup aurat juga.
makasih infonya ^^